Meet the founder

Meet The Founder


It was 17 years ago that I was on the banks of the Dusi – deep in the bush – when a young goat herder approached me.
It was hot and humid and the kid asked me if he could get me a drink from the store. It was the best tasting bottle of something I had tasted in a long time – “bitterly cold” was how they described that beverage in my day. As I gulped the liquid, the condensation ran down my arm and collected all the dirt as it ran on to my shirt. The kid asked me if he could go and wash the shirt for me. I thanked him so much for the Love he showed and asked him “do you know that there is no hole in the bottle and I didn’t spill any…?” He looked at me like I must have been particularly stupid.
The young goat herder said “Bafo, everyone knows that if something is very cold like this bottle, the water will come from the air and run down the outside of the bottle”! (Bafo is my Zulu name)
Wow! Talk about a moment in time. If a goat herder in the middle of the bush in Africa knows that then surely the whole world must know that? That was the question I lived in for days and weeks… And that was the day that Airwater™ was born. I wondered if we would ever get to a point where we would ALL be short of water – not just the poor. We now know the answer and we supply the solution to the biggest problem facing mankind – water made from the air. And that chance meeting which changed my life is why I love this country and this continent. It is from experiences like this that huge breakthroughs are made for the whole world to benefit from.
Who would ever have thought that we would have different stages of water shedding? Here it is Stage 2 – we are here now. I gave up a very successful business marketing sport to follow my heart.- It took a helluva lot longer than I thought, however, it was SO worth it. Not only do we provide solutions for home, we build commercial humidity harvesting bottling plants, off grid solutions for home, marine and boating solutions, and now we are building shipping containers with our machines that make hundreds, even a few thousand, litres of perfectly pure water from the air per day.

It has been a privilege to be able to follow my heart and add huge value to a planet that I have lived on for 64 years now… gratitude.

AW70 Home Air Water
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